Thursday, September 21, 2006

Bravo to You, Lord

I’ve always been a believer of the “divine will.” Que Cera, Cera! Whatever will be, no matter how you resist it. . . it shall be. It’s like pushing against a wall, unless you’re THE man in bright blue tights and blood red briefs. . . you’re in for a big disappointment.

My life. I always tell my husband: God may take me now, I am not afraid. I honestly don’t know if its mere naivety, or is that I simply refuse to believe that God is someone to be feared of. Why should I fear my friend? Twisted, perhaps. . . but that is who I am. That is how He made me.

As I think about it now, it all makes perfect sense to me. It’s like a million puzzle pieces falling into place, with all the sparks and magnificence of witnessing an actual miracle. What are the odds! My God! For the first time in my life, my life is perfect. Yes, there’s a thing or two I’d want, but just evaluating the things and people I have now – They’re absolutely perfect! If I could just stand still and not move. Will everything just stay as it is now? Oh, please God. . . hold still! You’ve waved Your hand and made magic, please wave it somewhere else now. Please let me bask in the happiness of Your miracle first. I have been crying for so long God. You have looked my way and blessed me. I am eternally grateful, but. . . is it ok if You could look away now and define the destiny of someone else? My God, why did make me so twisted! =)

Dear reader, don’t judge me so harshly. God knows me, we are friends. He understands how I think. He knows and He feels exactly how happy and thankful I am for all the things he has blessed me with. I am not an ingrate. A private joke between confidants, that’s all it is.

I am happy. I am excited. I am free. Thank you God, for not forgetting me!

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