Friday, May 28, 2004

Loving thy enemies. . .

I woke up with a sudden jolt of realization that I've been snoozing for 20 whole minutes. Oh my God! Those 20 fat minutes could result to an hour of tardiness if I don't get going! Fortunately, Katya didn't poop all over the bathroom floor like she did yesterday. Eeewww, just thinking about its smell, and how I have to brush my teeth with its stench lingering in my nostrils just makes me gag. Yuck!

Time to face the monsters of work one last time, for the week that is. Hmmm, I wonder how they took my leaving work early yesterday. I practically ran from the front door to my cubicle, hoping the monster did not see me... then again, so what if he saw me running from my cubicle to the pantry with my take-out from McDonalds wrapped securely around my chest with both arms? He never seems to eat anyway.

Work, work, work. Hmmm... what to do? I have so much to do, I can't seem to focus on one single task. On top of all my work, I had to attend this meeting. Unfortunately, because of my absence, they have posponed the meeting scheduled yeterday. But all in good fortune, I didn't exactly hate the meeting. I did have a little fun listening to my officemates aggravations. Hey, don't be such a hypocrite! We all enjoy hearing a little of other people's misfortunes. It gives us a feeling of balance and assurance.

I told Liza today that indeed life is never certain. Once, my personal life was a mess while my career thrived with blessings. Now, it is the other way around. I am humiliated and unfulfilled with both work and my studies. At least I am experiencing some peace at home lately. I wonder when the wheels will start to turn on me again...

Hmmm... I have to work late today. Myke has his badminton game tonight, so I have to endure an additional 3 hours of work.

"Shut up, just shut up, shut up" Myke told me all about the story of this congressman making a scene while canvassing votes. Wish I could also shout that out to the world, to time. There are instances in my life where I just want lie flat and still on the ground and let time pass me by. When life seems so overwhelming, when everything seems to go wrong. Won't it be so much easier? Heehee, reminds me of Anne Rice's vampire chronicles. Vampires, when they get so tired of life, they sorta hibernate and bury themselves into the depths of the earth and listen to the noise of the earth. Won't I love to be able to do that sometimes. To just hear. The noise in my head hinders me from hearing the sound of the wind that softly brushes against my face so soothing, so comforting. The pain in my head blinds me from seeing the wonderful colors of dusk as the sun meets the peaceful horizon, burying itself and leaving traces of spetacular colors in the clouds that graze the darkening sky. Huuuhh, won't it be nice to just live for yourself for a while. To be part of everything. To be part of nothing. To just be.

The pain in my head is becoming more insistent. Hmmm.... what should I do? I should have asked the nurse for some medicine when I was there earlier... I should just start working.

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